Wednesday, August 12, 2020

EVEREST REACTION, R K Narayan (Exercise)


1.         accurate - correct

2.         tales - story

3.         stirring - disturbing

4.         seemed - looked like

5.         occasion - situation

6.         wrist - hand

7.         twisted - diverted

8.         groaned - made noise

9.         delighted - happy

10.       dashing in - running in a great hurry

11.       flagging - becoming tired or less enthusiastic

12.       rouse - excite

13.       dacoity - violent robbery

14.       arson - the crime of deliberately setting fire to property

15.       scrutiny - careful examination

16.       torpor - dullness, drowsiness, state of inaction

17.       loaf - spend time in an aimless or idle way

18.       cock-and-bull story - made up story

19.       assault - attack; (here) attempt to do something difficult

20.       triumphantly - victoriously, champion

21.       habitual - regular, habit

22.       restore - put back

23.       inauspicious - not favourable

24.       expedition - venture, exploring

25.       equipment - tools

26.       precocious - early in development or occurrence

27.       gloomy - unhappy, sad

28.       resignation - leave

29.       spectacular - striking, amazing

30.       fanfare of trumpets - publicity, splendour

31.       titbits - bites, pieces

32.       cwm - valley

33.       col - lowest point between two mountain peaks

34.       unassailable - unconquerable

35.       enthusiast - admirer, supporter

36.       endeavour - attempt

37.       inaugurating - beginning

38.       horoscope - life and future of a person according to astrology

39.       temperament - nature of a person

40.       revolutionise - change greatly

41.       rehabilitate - settling of people

42.       simultaneously - at the same time

A. Choose the right option to answer these questions.

1. What was the amazing news that Thumbi brought that day?

a. that four tigers had been shot.

b. that the Everest had been conquered.

c. that it was an auspicious day.

d. that the neighbour had brought a new radio.

Ans. b. that the Everest had been conquered.

2. What did Thumbi normally do when he gave such news to the elders?

a. He would run away after arousing their curiosity.

b. He would give a great amount of detail.

c. He would argue with everybody.

d. He would bring the neighbour to support his statement.

Ans. a. He would run away after arousing their curiosity. 

3. Why did Thumbi go the neighbour's house?

a. to play with the neighbour's son

b. to listen to the radio

c. to avoid doing homework

d. to find out what they were doing

Ans. b. to listen to the radio

4. Why did the elders accept the news about the conquest of the Everest reluctantly?

a. They had expected to hear it in a spectacular way.

b. They did not believe it.

c. They had heard it before.

d. Thumbi was never right.

Ans. a. They had expected to hear it in a spectacular way.

B. Arrange these sentences in the right sequence.

  • The elders took in the news with a sort of gloomy resignation.
  • Thumbi succeeded in rousing his elders from their torpor.
  • One elder felt that human beings should not conquer everything under the sun.
  • Thumbi burst into the house with exciting news.
  • One elder felt that the Everest would soon become a holiday resort.
  • Thumbi announced that his friend's father had shot five tigers simultaneously.


1.      Thumbi succeeded in rousing his elders from their torpor.

2.      The elders took in the news with a sort of gloomy resignation.

3.      One elder felt that human beings should not conquer everything under the sun.

4.      One elder felt that the Everest would soon become a holiday resort.

5.      Thumbi burst into the house with exciting news.

6.      Thumbi announced that his friend's father had shot five tigers simultaneously.

C. Bring out the humour in these statements.

1. It was reaching them through Thumbi - the habitual bringer of news titbits.

Thumbi is the youngest member of the family. So when brings such a great news, the elders thought he was joking. They expected this news from media, newspaper and much more; but it did not occur. It comes from Thumbi, the small news titbits 

2. I challenge anybody here to plan a trip to Tirupati...

This is presented with reference to planning. Success depends on accurate planning. The author wonders if it is really possible that one should plan a trip to Tirupati and would not change or alter the plan anywhere on the way. Imagine then, how well the mountaineer of Everest must have planned their expedition.

3. I am going to write to Colonel Hunt to send the horoscopes of the members of the expedition...

The success of Everest, one thinks largely depends on getting hold of the horoscope of the person concerned. And there must be horoscope for these persons too. Hence one of the elders feels that it is best to get that horoscope from Colonel Hunt, so that based on that they can avoid rahukalam and other inauspicious moments.

4. It is going to be difficult to come across a person who had not had a holiday on the Everest.

One elder feels that now that Everest has been conquered, there will be many more persons visiting the Everest and finally it will become a holiday place. But in reality, we know people cannot even make a picnic spot anywhere near about it.

5. It may become necessary to rehabilitate members of the refrigeration industry.

Since a lot of ice is available on Everest, one of the elders feels it would be feasible if the whole refrigeration industry is shifted to Everest. What an imagination the person has! It is absolutely far from potential achievement.

D. Think and answer.

What were the different reactions of Thumbi's family to the conquest of the Everest?

On hearing the news of the Everest conquest from Thumbi there were many different reactions from the elders. They are very interesting.

First of all, they took the news with a sort of gloomy resignaiton, because it came from Thumbi. Many were disappointed because it was conquered. They felt it should have been left as unassailable. An enthusiast takes it positives and feels it can restore one's faith in human endeavour. Another gives credit to getting the horoscope which enables one to avoid rahukalam and other inauspicious moments. He even goes to the extent of writing a letter to Colonel Hunt to get those horoscopes. 

E. Discuss in class.

Has human achievement always been good for our planet?

No, human achievement has not always been good for our planet. We have valid example such as the discovery of plastic has never supported eco-friendliness. Usage of mobile can be another example, as the radiation which emits from it does harm to birds and others. We can give many more examples like this. We might say that it has done good to human beings, to the planet I am not too sure.

---:THE END:---