Sunday, February 11, 2024




WOMAN WORK, Maya Angelou

Word Meaning

1.         tend - incline, show tendency

2.         mend - repair

3.         weed - pluck out

4.         brow - eyebrow


C.3 From the text

Is the speaker from 2022?

No, the speaker is not from 2022 for two reasons. First she passed away on May 28, 2014 and second her writing indicates a time when women had been doing all the housework. Although this is still there, a lot has improved in modern societies now.


Why is the speaker talking to the elements?

The speaker is talking to the elements such as sunshine, rain, dewdrops, storms snowflakes etc. because these elements give her happiness after all her household work. She calls these elements her own as they are capable of giving her rest and comfort.


C.7 Answer the following questions

a. Give a brief description of the things the speaker has to do. How do you think it makes her feel?

The speaker of the poem, Woman Work, has to do a number of things. She takes care of the children, dries and dresses the baby. She mends clothes and mops the floor. She also buys food, cuts chicken and feeds the family. Besides, she takes care of the garden, cleans up the hut, collects cotton, cuts sugarcane. Taking care of the sick and pressing shirts are also done by her.


b. Fall gently, snowflakes

Cover me with white

Cold icy kisses and 

Let me rest tonight.

Why do you think the speaker says Let me rest tonight? Does it tell you anything about her feelings towards all the work that she has to do?

The speaker says ‘Let me rest tonight’ because she is tired after doing all the domestic work.

This tells us about her mental status. She has no one to comfort her or to listen to her. Being burdened with the household work, she needs rest; and natural elements like snowflakes is her company to whom she could talk to. Hence, she wants nature to secure and comfort her.


c. Storm, blow me from here

With your fiercest wind

Why do you think the speaker asks the storm to take her away from where she is?

Being burdened with all the monotonous domestic work, she is very tired and needs rest. She wants to get away from all the routined work and asks the storm to take her away from where she is, caught up in domestic work. Thus, she wants to fly away with the fiercest wind and storm.


d. Fall softly, dewdrops

And cool my brow again.

Why do you think the speaker requests the dewdrops to fall softly and cool her brow?

Being burdened with all the monotonous domestic work, she is very tired and needs rest. She needs someone to comfort her agony and pain. Hence, the speaker requests the natural elements like dewdrops with calm and soothing effects to fall softly and cool her brow. 


C.8 Answer in details

a. You’re all that I can call my own.

What are the things the speaker can call her own?

Why are these the only things that the speaker can call her own?

The speaker can call the sun, the moon, the sky, mountains, oceans, leaf and stones her own.

These are the only things the speaker can call her own because they do not expect and demand anything from her in return. Instead, they provide some comfort and rest when she is tired after all her domestic work. In her pain and agony, she finds these natural elements having a calm and soothing effect on her.


b. Imagine that you are the speaker of the poem. Write a diary entry talking about all the work you have to do and how you feel about it. You may begin like this…


---:THE END:---