Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Articles (Exercise - 1)

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Omission of Article
(Source: ACME English Practice Book, Page 51)

A. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary.

1. He will represent ________  constituency after winning the election.
2. He was ________  cheat so ________  police arrested him.
3. He had been playing chess for ________  quarter of ________ hour.
4. What ________ idea, Mukesh! It will definitely work.
5. It is ________ important meeting. So it will have to be attended.
6. He will purchase ________ X-ray machine. So he needs ________ lot of money.
7. He earns ________ little more than Rs. 200000 ________ month.
8. He became ________ heir of property worth Rs. 1000 crore.
9. They are ________ honourable men of our society. They must be respected.
10. His younger brother is ________ inspector whereas his elder brother is ________ dentist.
11. Piano is ________ musical instrument.
12. Kilogram is ________ unit of measuring weight.
13. Beware of him. He has ________ bad reputation.
14. Amrit was ________ unlucky person so he failed twice.
15. He was promoted to ________ position of chief editor. 


A. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary.

1. He will represent    the    constituency after winning the election.
2. He was    a    cheat so    the    police arrested him.
3. He had been playing chess for    the    quarter of    an    hour.
4. What    an    idea, Mukesh! It will definitely work.
5. It is    an    important meeting. So it will have to be attended.
6. He will purchase    an    X-ray machine. So he needs    a    lot of money.
7. He earns    a    little more than Rs. 200000    a    month.
8. He became    the    heir of property worth Rs. 1000 crore.
9. They are    the    honourable men of our society. They must be respected.
10. His younger brother is    an    inspector whereas his elder brother is    a    dentist.
11. Piano is    a    musical instrument.
12. Kilogram is    a    unit of measuring weight.
13. Beware of him. He has    a    bad reputation.
14. Amrit was    an    unlucky person so he failed twice.
15. He was promoted to    the    position of chief editor.