Sunday, July 12, 2020

His First Flight, Liam O'Flaherty (Exercise)

His First Flight, Liam O'Flaherty

Word Meaning

Pg. 35

1.         attempted = tried

2.         stretched = extended

3.         beneath = down, below

4.         flapped = waved, moved, shook

5.         shrilly = with a loud and harsh noise

6.         starve = hunger

7.         desperate = worried, helpless

8.         ledge = a narrow shelf projecting from a cliff

9.         brink = edge

10.       flap = move wings up and down

11.       expanse = stretch

12.       muster up = gather

13.       upbraiding = scolding

14.       threatening = trying to alarm of frighten

Pg. 36

15.       plateau = land, area

16.       cowardice = fearful

17.       ascending = going down

18.       blazing = shining brightly

19.       brink = edge, boundary

20.       dozing = nod off as if falling asleep

21.       hump = raised area

22.       thrust = push

23.       scrapping = rubbing

24.       screamed = shouted

25.       seized = occupied, grabbed

26.       soaring = increasing, flying

27.       swooped = rushed, dropped

Pg. 37

28.       shrieking = high pitch noise

29.       ridges - narrow hilltop

30.       amused = funny, entertaining

31.       beckoning = calling, indicating

32.       no farther = no more

33.       scraps = piece, bits

34.       skim = move quickly and lightly over

35.       herring = small silvery fish

36.       devour = eat hungrily

37.       taunting = mocking

38.       preening = cleaning feathers with beak

39.       whet = sharpen

40.       derisively = scornfully

41.       plaintively = pitifully

42.       monstrous terror = very great fright (fear)

43.       curveting = moving gracefully

44.       banking = tilting

45.       commended himself = charmed himself on

46.       shrilly = in a high pitched and piercing manner

47.       dog-fish = a species of shark

A. Choose the right options to answer these questions.

1. The young seagull was afraid because

a. he was afraid to flap his wings.
b. he felt his wings would not support him.
c. the great expanse of sea frightened him.
d. he was too small.

Ans. (d) he was too small.

2. The sight of the food maddened him because

a. he had not eaten since the previous night.
b. he saw his siblings catch fish.
c. his family seemed to have abandoned him.
d. the smell irritated him.

Ans. (a) he had not eaten since the previous night.

3. The mother seagull flew to him with a piece of fish in her beak but halted just out of his reach as

a. she wanted to tease him.
b. she wanted to tempt him off the ledge.
c. the rocks at the edge were too sharp to land on.
d. she wanted to eat in a secluded spot.

Ans. (b) she wanted to tempt him off the ledge.

4. When the young seagull fell into space

a. he fell into the sea.
b. he began to fly.
c. he screamed and fainted.
d. his siblings held him up.

Ans. (b) he began to fly.

5. When his feet sank into the sea

a. he began drowning.
b. he quickly flew up again.
c. he floated on the sea.
d. he swallowed a lot of water.

Ans. (c) he floated on the sea.

B. Answer these questions.

1. How did the young seagull's parents try to make him leave the ledge?

His parents had come around the ledge calling to him shrilly, upbraiding him, threatening to let him starve on his ledge unless he flew away. When this did not work out his mother tempted him with a fish in her mouth.

2. What did his parents teach his brothers and sister?

His parents taught his brothers and sisters how to perfect in the art of flight, how to skim the waves and how to dive for fish.

3. Who was it who did not give up on him? What did he/she do?

His mother was the one who did not give up on him. She tempted him with a fish in her mouth and finally she could tempt him off the ledge.

4. Describe the first few moments of his flight?

First a monstrous terror seized him as he was falling. Then he felt his wings spread outwards, the wind rushed against him as he was learning to fly. He was no longer afraid.

5. How did his family react to his first flight?

They all rejoiced at his ability to fly. His mother made a loud noise; His father flew over him screaming and his brothers and sister came around him banking and soaring and diving.

C. Think and Answer.

1. When we attempt something for the first time, we are very often afraid. Can you relate this to the first flight of the bird? Write how.

First time when we begin something, we always doubt out own ability and that is what we see in this story. He is very small and had never flown before. So he was not willing to risk his life. It was a by chance that he wanted to grab the piece of fish from his mother and fell of the ledge. Immediately a monstrous terror seized him as he was falling. Then he felt his wings spread outwards, the wind rushed against him as he was learning to fly. He was no longer afraid.

2. His family rejoiced at his success. How do we know this?

They all rejoiced at his ability to fly. His mother made a loud noise; His father flew over him screaming and his brothers and sister came around him banking and soaring and diving. As he finally landed on the green sea, his family was screaming, praising him and their beaks were offering him scraps of dog-fish.

D. Discuss in class.

Try to recall a time in your life when you were afraid to attempt something new. How did you overcome the fear?



A. Underline the perfect tense in each sentence and write its tense.

1. She had just finished her test when the bell rang, signalling the end of the period. ________ 

2. They have assured me that once the repairs are done, the car will be as good as new. ________ 

3. You better hurry up or the picnic will have finished by the time you get here. ________ 

4. Jack has completed all the tasks that were assigned to him. ________ 

5. This is the second time she has had an accident in her workshop. ________

6. I have looked everywhere but I cannot find my mother. ________ 

B. Underline the perfect tense in each sentence and write its tense.

1. At the rate you're going, you ________ (accumulate) enough wealth by the time you're thirty-five years old!

2. Sheena ________ (study) all the chapters for the test.

3. By the end of this month, Richard ________ (completed) his current project, and will be able to begin the next one.

4. I am sure the students ________ (meet) their teachers by now.

5. Tina ________ (knock) on the door three times before her mother asked her to enter the room.

6. It ________ (rain) a lot today and it is likely that there will be heavy rainfall this week.

A. Underline the perfect tense in each sentence and write its tense.

1. She had just finished her test when the bell rang, signalling the end of the period.  
    Past Perfect

2. They have assured me that once the repairs are done, the car will be as good as new. 
    Present Perfect

3. You better hurry up or the picnic will have finished by the time you get here.
    Future Perfect

4. Jack has completed all the tasks that were assigned to him.
    Present Perfect

5. This is the second time she has had an accident in her workshop. 
    Present Perfect

6. I have looked everywhere but I cannot find my mother.
    Present Perfect

B. Underline the perfect tense in each sentence and write its tense.

1. At the rate you're going, you    will have accumulated    (accumulate) enough wealth by the time you're thirty-five years old!

2. Sheena    has studied/ had studied    (study) all the chapters for the test.

3. By the end of this month, Richard    will have completed    (completed) his current project, and will be able to begin the next one.

4. I am sure the students    will have met    (meet) their teachers by now.

5. Tina    will had knocked    (knock) on the door three times before her mother asked her to enter the room.

6. It    has rained     (rain) a lot today and it is likely that there will be heavy rainfall this week.

---:THE END:---