Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Jhalkari (Exercise)



Read the chapter from your book and answer the following questions.

1. Where was the child born?

She was born in Jhansi.

2. Why was she named Jhalkari?

Jhalkari means the tigress. Once she had killed a tiger in the jungle, so people nicknamed her Jhalkari.

3. Why did Rani demand Jhalkari to be her friend?

Rani demanded because Jhalkari had frank and fearless attitude.

4. Who is Dulaji Thakur?

Dulaji Thakur is a gunner, who was in charge of the South gate of the fort.

5. Do you think Dulaji betrayed Rani?

Yes, in return for a large sum of money, Dulaji led British into the fort by stealth at night.

6. What was the last word Jhalkari spoke before she died?

Before Jhalkari dies she cried out, “Long live Lakshmibai! Long live freedom!”


Read the chapter from your book and answer the following questions.

1. What are the games did Jhalkari play in her childhood?

She climbed trees, swim in the rivers and played the games that people called boys' games.

2. How did she kill the tiger?

She killed the tiger with a sturdy stick.

3. What did the Rani and Jhalkari do together?

They went out riding together, fences, wrestled and practised shooting with revolver and gun.

4. What is the name of the company who traded in India in 1957?

It is 'the East India Company'.

5. What is the meaning of the word 'territory'?

area, property, land

6. When was the fort of Jhansi attacked?

The fort of Jhansi was attacked in March 1858.

7. How long did the fight continue?

The fight continued more than four days.

8. What is the meaning of the word 'troop'?

Soldiers, army

9. What is the meaning of the word 'captive'?

Bonded, captured, arrested, prisoned.

10. What is the meaning of the word 'begged'?



fearless - daring, courageous

strain - tiring, go beyond one's own capacity

orphan - a child without parents

hardship - great suffering

sturdy - thick

fenced - fought with swords for practice

rose is rebellion - decided to fight

bombarded - attacked repeatedly

by stealth - in a secret manner

reluctant - unwilling

betrayer - a person who is not faithful

frank - friendly

wrestled - fighting competition 

expanded - stretching, extending, spread

territory - area, boundary, land

ruled - govern

harshly - cruel, merciless

troops - army, gang

steady - firm, strong, constant

rush - hurry, fast

daring - courageous, fearless

fierce - dangerous

begged - requested

disguised - dressed

traitor - a person who is not faithful to his country

coward - not daring, weak

furious - anger

tricked - misguided

conquer - win

rise - wake up


1. People liked Jhalkari because

a. she worked hard in a cheerful way.

b. she liked boyish games.

c. she was bold and fearless(✔️✔️✔️)

d. she had fought a leopard.

2. Jhalkari had fought the leopard

a. with her bare hands.

b. with her fencing sword.

c. with the help of her friends.

d. with just a thick stick. (✔️✔️✔️)

3. The British entered the fort through

a. the back gates.

b. a gap in the outer walls. (✔️✔️✔️)

c. an underground passage.

d. an aerial route.

B. Reach these sentences and answer the questions that follow.

1. "She shall by my companion,"...

a. Who said this?

This was said by the Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi.

b. Who would be the companion?

Jhalkari would be her companion.

c. Where did the speaker meet the person who is being spoken about?

Jhalkari was married to a soldier in the army of Rani Lakshmibai and went away to live with him in Jhansi. That was how the Rani chanced to see her one day.

2. "Call Dulaji at once," he ordered his soldiers. "Dulaji will know."

a. Who is the speaker of this lines?

The British commander is the speaker of this lines.

b. Who was Dulaji?

Duliji Thakur, who betrayed Rani, was a gunner in charge of the South gate of the fort. 

c. Why would Dulaji 'know' what the speaker was talking about?

Dulaji would know it as he was working a the gunner of the fort where Rani lived.

3. "Do you think it is easy to capture the Rani?"

a. Who said this to whom?

This is said by Dulaji, and he said this to British soldiers.

b. Who had been captured?

Jhalkari had been captured.

c. What did the speaker mean by this question?

The speaker, Dulaji meant that Rani Laxhmibai was not easy to be captured.

4. "Beware! You will never conquer us. We'll rise again and again and fight back until we win our freedom!"

a. Who said this?

Jhalkari said this.

b. Who was the speaker talking to?

The speaker was talking to British.

c. Did the speaker win the freedom that is being talked about?

Yes, the speaker won the freedom but it took so many years.

C. Think and answre.

1. Jhalkari was very loyal to her Rani. How do you know that this was true?

In March 1858, when the British troops attacked  the forts at Jhansi, Rani Laxhmibai's troops fought back bravely. There, Jhalkari never left Rani her beloved queen's side, she rode from one point to another, firing at the British soldiers with a steady hand and sure aim.

2. How was Dulaji different from Jhalkari?

Jhalkari was very loyal to Rani Laxhmibai. She was always ready to sacrifice her own life in order to save Rani's. On the other hand Dulaji was a traitor who in return for a large sum of money, led the British to the fort stealthily. 

D. Discuss in class.

What is loyalty? How can you be loyal to your school and your country?

The quality of being faithful is called loyalty. We can be loyal to our school and country by doing our work faithfully. If we do not do our duty and responsibilities well, we can never learn to be faithful or loyal to our country.

---:THE END:---