Thursday, June 29, 2023

A Friend Found In Music, Bryanna T Perkins



A Friend Found In Music

Bryanna T Perkins


1.         Feel blue – feeling sad and dull

2.         Pull through – in a difficult situation

3.         Therapy – treatment


a. What does the speaker mean by the phrase pull through?

The phrase ‘pull through’ means to go through a difficult situation.

b. How can music be a friend?

In a difficult situation when no one seems to understand you and gives no company; music is best companion to overcome the difficulties. Through its rhythm, melodies, lyrics, and emotional resonance; it offers comfort and supports in times of joy or sorrow.

C.3 Read the poem and fill in the chart given below:

a. What were your thoughts when you read the poem for the first time?

Ans: I thought of music as the most comfortable part to live with it.

b. My favourite line in this poem is

Ans: Music is the needed friend, when no one seems to care.

Because, it is so true that even when I am all alone, music can give me company and make me cheerful.

c. List the example of alliteration from the poem.

Ans: That moves me to the core (repeating the ‘m’ in moves me.)

Music lifts my spirit. (repeating the ‘m’ in Music, my.)

d. Mention the rhyme scheme of the poem.

Ans: abcb, abcb, abcb

e. What could be the alternate title for the poem? Why?

Ans: My choice of alternate title for the poem is, “Living with Music” because music touches all aspects of our lives and it is the best and healthy to live with music.



Ex. C.4 (Page: 25)

Music is the ocean

That pulls me to the shore.

Music is the rhythm

That moves me to the core.

Music is the therapy

I need when I feel blue.

Music lifts my spirits

To make sure I pull through.

a.         The poet says that music moves her to the core. This means that music is very

ii. impactful

b.         Music lifts my spirits

            To make sure I pull through

            These lines show a cause-effect relationship. Pick the option that shows a cause-effect relationship.

            i. Option 1

c.          Choose the image that displays the meaning of the phrase feel blue.

            iii. Image 3 (feel blue – when someone feels sad and depressed)

d.         Pull through is an example of a phrasal verb. Pick the option that is an incorrect phrasal verb with the word pull.

            iv. pull onwards

e.         Read the sentences given below. Select the sentences that the TRUE based on the extract.

            Sentence 1: Music has been compared to an ocean

            Sentence 2: The poet is in favour of children learning music.

            Sentence 3: Music has a special connection with our spirits.

            Sentence 4: Music helps one survive a difficult situation.

            Sentence 5: The poet goes for therapy often.

            i. Sentences 1 and 4

Ex. C.5 (Page: 27)

a.         The poet considers music as

            ii. a true friend.

b.         Choose the option with the quote related to the main idea of the poem.

            iii. Music is the moonlight in the gloomy night of life. John Paul

c.          Choose the option that fits with the following –

            care: bother;             cheerful: …………………….

            iv. glum

C.6 Answer the following questions:

a. What effect does music have on the poet?

The poem conveys the effect of music as a powerful force that deeply influences the poet’s emotions, provides therapeutic benefits, uplifts their spirits, and acts as a needed friend in times when no one seems to care.

b. The poet says that music is the needed friend, when no one seems to care. How can music be a friend?

In a difficult situation when no one seems to understand you and gives you no company; music is best companion to overcome the difficulties. Music can be a needed friend by offering emotional support, when one feels blue. It lifts one’s spirits at the time of struggle and difficulties of life.

c. Music lifts my spirits. Explain this statement.

"Music lifts my spirits," it suggests that music has the ability to improve the emotional well-being at the time of difficulties and sadness. Thus music can keep one away from distraction of negativity.

C.7 Answer the following questions in details:

a. Justify the title of the poem – A Friend Found In Music.

Music is a friend that does not judge. It understands us without words. It supports us through every emotional journey. It listens to our sorrows, celebrates our joys, and gives company in times of loneliness. With such abilities music becomes a trusted companion with constant presence in our lives. Hence the title “A Friend Found In Music” is justified.

b. Imagine the poet is writing an informal letter to her friend on World Music Day regarding the impact of music on her life. Write the letter for her.

You may begin like this…

Dear Anna,

It is good to hear from you. Today is World Music Day, so I have decided to tell you how music has shaped my life. Music has always been my constant companion. It has been with me through my ups and downs…


---:THE END:---