Sunday, July 9, 2023

THE QUEEN BEE, Jean Henri Fabre


THE QUEEN BEE, Jean Henri Fabre 


1.      1.         Destined – to reach destination or goal

2.         Spacious – having space

3.         Fastened – tightened

4.         Edge – corner

5.         Combs – arranged cells

6.         Accomplishes – completes

7.         Larvae – small and tender insects

8.         Nourishment – Taking care for growth and development

9.         Abundance – available in plenty

10.       Excessively – having extra

11.       Endure – to tolerate, bear with someone

12.       Threaten – scaring or scolding someone

13.       Status –respect and position in society

14.       Hatched – producing babies from eggs

15.       Rustling – soft sound made during movement

16.       Battalion – force

17.       Resort – make use of

18.       Stamps – bringing under feet

19.       Pitilessly – with no mercy

20.       Blows – hits

21.       Scene – visual

22.       Civil war – a war within a country

23.       Buzzing – continuous low noise

24.       Hive – place where honey bee stays

25.       Abandons – leaves, rejects

26.       Rivals – opponents

27.       Rushes – hurries up, hastens

28.       Mandibles – strong bones

29.       Plunge – hit, use force

30.       Perish – die, expire

31.       Retire – leaving place

32.       Succumb – surrender

33.       Seizes – occupy

34.       Stings – hitting with sting

35.       Accustomed – familiar, got used to

36.       Pretenders – acting like

37.       Reigning – ruling

38.       Tenderly – softly, gently

39.       Humming – making very low and continuous noise

40.       Rearing – upbring of a child

41.       Sacred – holy 


a. Describe the civil war in the beehive. What is the masterstroke and who decided it?

As the new born young queens grew, they try to get out of their royal cells at any cost and opposes the royal queen. Therefore, she drags the young queens and tries to kill them. This leads to civil war in which some lean to the old queen while others to the young ones.

Finally, the queen decides a masterstroke to abandon the hive along with her faithful followers.

b. In your opinion, are bees extremely cruel creatures? Answer with reference to the way in which the royal unity is restored in the beehive.

I don’t think bees are cruel creatures. The queen is jealous of another queen present in the hive. Working bees are strong minded and protect young bees from the danger. They allow queens to fight in order to find the most skillful to be their queen and thereafter proceeds to normal work and order.

c. What does the instinct of the bees demand them to do?

When the civil war breaks out in the hive, it becomes necessary to end this war and to save the future. The bees seem to understand this very well. Their instinct tells to them restore royal unity, royal dignity and order after the war.


a. What is the role of drones in the hive?

Drones are all male bees in the hive. Their only job is to mate with the queen to help her produce offspring.

b. Why do you think the queen mother attacks the royal cells?

As the new born young queens grew, they try to get out of their royal cells at all cost and opposes the royal queen. Therefore, she attacks the royal cells and tries to kill them all.

Ex. A.6 (Page: 37)

b.         Fill in the blanks by adding suitable suffixes.

            i.          I could see the beautiful (beauty) mountains at a distance.

            ii.         The writer (write) is famous for his poems and short stories.

            iii.        Many new construction (construct) projects are being carried out in the            pristine mountains.

            iv.         After losing their habitats recently due to deforestation, many species of animals and birds in the rainforest are facing a new hardship (hard).

            v.         The use of reused (reuse) plastic will reduce the burden on the environment.

            vi.        I come to these mountains every year to enjoy the natural (nature) beauty of this place.

            vii.       The wild animals were forced to venture near human villages looking for nourishment (nourish).

            viii.     The reality (real) is that many large-scale human activities are polluting and harming the environment we live in.


Ex. A.7 (Page: 38)

a.         The story The Queen Bee is an extract from the book The Story-Book of Insects. (F)

b.         The bees can differentiate between the queen-eggs and the working-bee-eggs. (T)

c.          The nurses and wax-bees protect the newly hatched queens. (T)

d.         The old queen steps aside to make space for the new queens. (F)

e.         The bees do not give upon their queen easily after she perished. (T)

f.          The bees mourn their queen for a week. (F)


Ex. A.8 (Page: 38)

“Now, in the spring, when the working-bees and drones are already hatched, a loud rustling is heard in the royal cells. The young queens are trying to get out of their wax prisons. The nurses and wax-bees stand guard in a dense battalion. They keep the young queens in their cells by force. “It is not time for you to show yourselves”, they seem to say, “there is danger!” And very respectfully they resort to force. But the impatient young queens renew their rustling.

“The queen-mother has heard them. She stamps with rage on the royal cells; she drags the pretenders from their cells and pitilessly tears them to pieces. Several succumb under her blows; but the bees surround her and little by little draw her away from the scene of violence. The future is saved; there are still some queens left.

a.         The wax-bees prevent the young queens from getting out of their cells because

            iii. there is danger to the lives of the young queens.

b.         The queen-mother stamps on the royal cells and attacks the pretenders because

            i. they are a threat to her royal status.

c.          What does the battalion refer to here?

            iii. an army of wax bees.

d.         Select appropriate response suitable for 1 and 2.

            1. The young queens continue their loud rustling.

            2. The queen-mother attacks the royal cells and several succumb to her blows.

            ii. 1 is the cause and 2 is the effects.


Ex. A.9 Choose the correct options. (Page: 39)

a.         What decides whether a bee will be a working bee or a queen bee?

            ii. the kind of good they are fed.

b.         Which word from the passage means a state of confusion in the hive?

            ii. tumult

c.          Why do the dueling queens not plunge their poisonous sting into the other’s body?

            iv. A duel in which both perish is against their basic instinct.

d.         Why does a queen bee abandon her hive?

            ii. She is upset about the bees rearing a new queen.


a. Why is the chosen larva fed the sugary pap?

Once the reigning queen perishes by accident or dies of old age, they think about replacing the queen. A young larva is chosen from the common cells and taken care of. It is supposed to be their future queen, therefore, fed with sugary pap that makes queens.

b. What is the loud rustling sound that is heard in the cells around spring time?

The loud rustling sound that is heard in the cells are of the young bees and queens who are trying to get out of their wax cells.

c. Why does a civil war break out in the hive and how does it end?

As the queen bees are hatched, they try to get out of their wax cells. Queen mother pitilessly tears them to pieces. Hence, the civil war breaks out in the hive. In the war, some bees lean to the old queen, others to the young one. Therefore, mother queen abandons the hive with her followers to find a new colony elsewhere and the civil war ends.

d. Why are the young dueling bees prevented from getting away from other?

There cannot be two queens in a hive. So, a duel to the death between two young queens decides which of them shall reign in the hive. The more skillful, decided in a fight, is the right one to be their queen. Hence, they can not escape from the fight until one dies.

A.11 Answer in detail:

a. Describe the duel that takes place between the young queens to decide who will reign.

Two young queens come out of their cells and join in the shock of a battle; seize the antenna of the other with thein mandibles and hold themselves head-to-head. In this position, each tries to plunge its poisoned sting into its rival’s body. The bees gathered around them prevent their getting away until one succumbed. The more skillful one jumps on its rival’s back, seizes it where the wing joins the body, and stings it in the side. The victim stretches its legs and dies. Finally, royal unity is restored.

b. How do we know that the working bees take a long time to accept that a queen bee has perished?

We know the working bees take a long time to accept that a queen bee has perished by seeing the respectful treatment they give to the deceased bee. They brush her tenderly, offer her honey as if to revive her, turn her over, feel her lovingly and treat her with all the regard they gave her when alive. They mourn only after two to three days when they come to know she is dead.

c. Why is the civil war and the fight among the young queen bees necessary? Do you think the bees could have resolved the issue in some other way? Suggest some alternative ways.

Nature has its own mysterious way to preserve itself. The fight among the young queen bees becomes necessary for their flourish. When the civil war breaks out, it helps bees leave the hive and spread out elsewhere.

I wish this process could be accomplished peacefully and voluntarily that mother queen leaves the hive over to the young bees and a farewell is given to her and her supporters. 

---:THE END:---