Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Making Mother Earth Green


Making Mother Earth Green


1.         Ecosystem – environment

2.         Climate – longer period of weather

3.         Prevent – stop, hamper

4.         Erosion – loss, destruction

5.         Coastal – seaside, shore, beach

6.         Cyclones – strong wind forming heavy storm

7.         Intervention – disturbance, interference

8.         Rapidly – fast, at great speed

9.         Depleting – reducing, exhausting

10.       Crisis – disaster, damages

11.       Biodiversity – the variety of all living things

12.       Dumping ground – garbage

13.       Transformed – changed

14.       Adjacent – near to

15.       Shrimp – marine shellfish

16.       Creeks – narrow cut, channel

17.       Instances – examples

B.2 Refer Dictionary to complete the task

a. Ecosystem Mening:

All the living things in an area and the way they affect each other and the environment.

Synonyms: ecology, environment

Sentences: The marine ecosystem is comprised of all living organisms that exist in bodies of saltwater.

The rainforest is a self-supporting ecosystem.


b. Adjacent Mening:

Next to something else, very near

Synonyms: beside, aside

Sentences: The garage is adjacent to the house.


a. Think of one thing we can do in our daily lives that will help to stop the destruction of forests.



b.  Why is Rajan vigilant about the felling of mangrove trees?

Rajan is vigilant about the felling of mangrove trees in order to support and protect our ecosystem and form habitats for several birds and fish species.


a.         Words with their meanings. (Page: 47)

c.         Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (Page: 48)

1.         My friends and I planted many saplings in our backyard.

2.         In the Miyawaki method, the organic content and texture of the soil are improved by using suitable biomass.

3.         We wanted a source of water close by, so we pitched our tent near the creek.

4.         Due to the tireless efforts for afforestation by some exceptional individual, much of the forest cover in the area has been restored.

5.         The forest department issued several leaflets to raise public awareness about the issues related to conservation.

6.         Human activities like agriculture and constructions are destroying the habitats of many plants and animals.

7.         The snow leopards are an endangered species living in the Himalayas.

8.         For the well-being of the planet, it is important that human beings learn to co-exist with nature.

Ex. B.6 Choose the correct options. (Page: 48)

a.         What does the narrator want to convey in the following sentence from the text?

In the face of such crisis, we often learn about responsible individuals who work tirelessly to alter the damage done to our Mother Earth.

            ii. A few people are working tirelessly to save Mother Earth.

b.         Which of the following has NOT been cited in the passage as an example of the benefits that forests provide us?

            iii. providing humans with construction materials like wood.

c.          Which option correctly substitutes the underlined word from the text?

For the next two to three years the flora is closely monitored, and the plants are watered and weeded.

            i. observed

d.         Tick the option that is incorrect.

            iii. oxygen


a. Earth's forest cover forms an indispensable part of our ecosystem. Why do you think the narrator has used the word indispensable to talk about forests? b. How do mangrove forests benefit the ecosystem?

The narrator has used the word "indispensable" to emphasize that Earth's forest cover is essential and cannot be done away with in our ecosystem. It highlights the critical role forests play in supporting life and maintaining ecological balance.

b. How do mangrove forests benefit the ecosystem?

Mangrove forests benefit the ecosystem in several ways. They act as a protective barrier against natural calamities like tsunamis and cyclones, safeguarding coastal areas. They also help prevent soil erosion, maintain water quality, and provide habitats for various bird and fish species, contributing to biodiversity.

c. How did these people/organisations directly or indirectly help transform the Kopar Khairane locality in Navi Mumbai, which had previously been a dumping ground, into a three-acre forest?

i. Abhijit Bangar

Abhijit Bangar, an IAS officer and civic chief at the Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation, played a pivotal role in transforming the Kopar Khairane locality. He chose the Miyawaki method of afforestation and oversaw the project's completion.


ii. Green Yatra

Green Yatra, a Mumbai-based NGO, provided assistance to Mr Bangar in the transformation project. Their involvement includes providing resources, support, and expertise in afforestation efforts.


iii. Akira Miyawaki

Akira Miyawaki, the Japanese botanist, popularized the Miyawaki method of afforestation, which Mr Bangar employed in the project. This method involves densely planting native tree species and closely monitoring the flora until the forest becomes self-sustaining.


d. Periyal Rajan, a 58-year-old fisherman and a resident of Thavam, near Pazhayangadi in Kerala has been fighting a solitary battle against this. What has Periyal Rajan been fighting against? Why do you think his battle has been solitary? Would you say that he has been successful in his battle?

Periyal Rajan has been fighting against deforestation for paddy and shrimp cultivation in the mangrove area around Thavam, Kerala. His battle has been solitary because he has been taking on this cause alone without significant support or resources from others.

Whether he has been successful in his battle is a matter of rampant consideration. However, his approach has been yielding results. Today, many approach him for saplings and has been nicknamed as Kandal Rajan (kadal means mangrove). 

---:THE END:---