Tuesday, October 31, 2023




Word Meaning

1.         motion – in favour

2.         extend – limit

3.         incentives – extra

4.         affluent – rich, ability to spend

5.         allocating – distributing

6.         vary – differ

7.         silver platter – obtained easily

8.         nutshell – in short

9.         nagging – worried

10.       contrary – opposite

11.       imitating – following, copying

12.       diligence – careful

13.       etched – scratched

14.       prudent – wise, thoughtful

B.2 From the text.

a. Do you get pocket money from your parents? If yes, how do you spend it? If no, how would you have liked to spend it if you had it?



B.7 Answer the following questions.

a. Which of the two students presented their argument better? Give reasons for your answer.

In my opinion, Alia has presented her argument better. She reasons out some valid arguments, saying that children must learn saving money from the given amount and spend sensibly. Just because it is easily obtained from their parents, they need not become careless spending it. Her next argument is even better that pocket money must be earned in return for a household chore or a good deed. This makes them realise the value of money which is earned hard way and make them more ethical.


b. What is your opinion on earning and saving money? You can refer to the points from the text to explain your answer.

It is very important to earn money. All our needs can be met if we earn money. It is equally important to save money. Life is unpredictable and it is always the best practice to have some money saved. When children earn money, they learn to take responsibility for their actions. They learn that money does not come easily; it only comes through hard work. They try to spend wisely and buy only those things that they need. Eventually, if guided properly, they may even end up saving money.


c. How do you feel when you spend money?

It is a mixed feeling while spending my pocket money. Sometimes it is tough to buy any luxury item with my money. I have to think hard and come to a decision. On the other hand, sometimes I feel content and happy when I could buy things that I have longed for a long time with my own money.


B.8 Answer the following questions.

a. Getting pocket money teaches children to be money-wise. Do you agree with this statement? Give reason for your answer.

I have a mixed opinion because it depends on the family background. From a very rich and affluent family a child hardly learns to be money-wise. On the other hand, a child who has seen his or her parents struggling to earn money in a hard way, might not be reckless in spending the pocket money they get occasionally. Children also observe how their parents manage their finance and try to follow that. But when they earn money with some effort, they learn to be money-wise and spend money properly.

b. Pocket money creates differences among children because not all parents can afford to give their child an allowance. Comment on this statement using suitable arguments from the text.

The statement Pocket money creates differences among children because not all parents can afford to give their child an allowance, is somewhat true. In a society, there are people from different economic backgrounds. There are parents who have no difficulty giving a sum as pocket money to their children but there are also parents who cannot afford to do this. Such differences may not be healthy. The desire of having pocket money among unprivileged may lead them to obtain it in the wrong way and mess their own lives. 

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