Tuesday, October 31, 2023




Word Meaning

1.         Innovative – new ideas

2.         Clients – customers

3.         Owe – obligation

4.         Immense – great

5.         Commodities – products, goods

6.         Rapidly – fast

7.         Micro – small

8.         Adapting – modifying, adjusting

9.         Reject – not accepted, thrown away

Mitigate – reducing seriousness, removing difficulties


B.2 From the text.

Myra calls Natasha ‘a leader’. What, according to you, are some of the qualities of a good leader?

According to me some of the qualities of a good leader are,

They treat everyone equally and with respect.

They work towards a goal and others being motivated join them.

They are able to guide and provide space for people to work together.

They appreciate and work on solution rather than blaming others.

They show responsibility and accountability.


What are 3Rs?

The 3Rs are to reduce, to reuse and to recycle.

Reducing helps in minimizing the waste produce. For example, turning off lights when you are not in the room or switching off vehicle engine when you are in traffic jam.

Reuse helps using the products again in a different way before replacing them. For example, computers parts or old clothing can have a second life.

Recycle means putting a product to a new use instead of throwing it away. For example, we avoiding single use and throw product.


B.6 Answer the following questions.

a. The passage you have read is titled Sensible Fashion. What do you think is meant by the term sensible fashion?

Sensible fashion that which is practical and suitable for the purpose they are made for; and of course, they appeal to our good sense or reason. With sensible fashion, the brands have started using sustainable materials to produce goods and products. It also supports the idea of reusing and recycling clothes.


b. Wha motivated Natasha to work in reducing pollution on our planet?

As Natasha was growing up, she started noticing the amount of waste was being produced on a daily basis at homes or schools. People throw away slightly old or worn-out things and buy new things at the drop of a hat. Easily available things and commodities had resulted in the generation of an immense amount of waste. All these examples motivated her to take the small step to reduce pollution.

c. Briefly describe the steps for making a smartphone charger holder, as explained by Natasha.

Natasha recycles and reuses old pair of jeans and take the following steps to make smartphone holder.

Step 1: She carefully cuts out the back pocket of the jeans.

Step 2: She uses the seam part of the jeans’ leg portion and cuts the seam along the length to make the handle of the charger holder.

Step 3: Using thread and needle, she sews the handle behind the pocket and the charger holder is ready.

d. How is fast fashion harming the world?

Fast fashion indicates the production of inexpensive clothes rapidly produced in short time. It produces more carbon. It is the second largest consumer of the global water supply. As shipping is added, it also pollutes the ocean with microplastics. Hence, the world is harmed and polluted.

e. What is upcycling? Why is it important?

Upcycling is the process of reusing or transforming rejected or used materials into new, good quality and valuable products. It is also known as creative reuse.

We are already facing the adverse effects of climate change and pollution due to immense wastage. Hence, it is a very important practice which we need to integrate in our lifestyles and promote to mitigate the global crisis of ever-increasing levels of pollution.

---:THE END:---